Related topics: coral reefs

Rare pictures uncover diverse marine life at Ningaloo Reef

Researchers at The University of Western Australia have collected rare imagery revealing rich marine biodiversity at Ningaloo Reef, after deploying baited underwater cameras to analyze various fish species.

Novel 3-D printed 'reef tiles' to repopulate coral communities

Architects and marine scientists at the University of Hong Kong (HKU) have jointly developed a novel method for coral restoration making use of specially designed 3-D printed artificial 'reef tiles' for attachment by corals ...

Chinese boat damaged Philippine reef

A Chinese fishing vessel that crashed into one of the Philippines' most famous reefs damaged almost 4,000 square metres of centuries-old coral, the marine park said on Saturday.

Australia to ban waste dumping on Great Barrier Reef

Australia said Thursday it will ban the dumping of dredging waste on most of the Great Barrier Reef as environmentalists called for the government to go further and commit to a total halt.

Decade of benefits for the Great Barrier Reef

With this week marking the tenth anniversary of the rezoning of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, prominent marine scientists from around the world have gathered in Canberra to discuss its successes - both expected and ...

Huelva is swallowing up coastal lagoons in Donana

A team of Spanish scientists from a variety of fields has analysed the effects of human activity on the peridunal lagoons in the DoƱana National Park. Results show that the lagoons are in the process of regressing, largely ...

Rezone marine parks to better conserve sharks

A lack of habitat protection is hindering our ability to manage the conservation of endangered open-ocean sharks in Australian waters, according to new research by The University of Western Australia.

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