Related topics: ocean

How to bring conservation messaging into wildlife-based tourism

The study states that failing to encourage tourists to do more on behalf of wildlife represents a missed opportunity for conservation. "We argue that the combination of emotional engagement and knowledge-driven action provided ...

Researchers study catastrophic disease events in marine mammals

As the COVID-19 pandemic sweeps across the globe, people are beginning to understand, at a very personal level, the ways in which infectious diseases can devastate life. But disease outbreaks are not confined to just humans ...

New insight into the Great Dying

A new study shows for the first time that the collapse of terrestrial ecosystems during Earth's most deadly mass extinction event was directly responsible for disrupting ocean chemistry.

Stepping up action on plastic pellets

Plastic is an incredibly useful material upon which much of our day-to-day life depends. The COVID-19 pandemic puts the importance of plastic in stark relief—protective personal equipment, intravenous tubes and soap dispensers ...

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