Related topics: species · climate change · ocean

New fish species found in the Great Barrier Reef

At a time when marine life is disappearing from the world's oceans, researchers are celebrating the discovery of a new species of coral reef fish in the southern waters of the Great Barrier Reef.

Scientists find banded sand catsharks hiding inside sea sponges

When scientists on board the research vessel (RV) Investigator pulled a large sponge from the ocean in 2017, they noticed a tail fin poking out. They expected to find an eel had wriggled into the sponge. Instead, they discovered ...

Fauna return rapidly in planted eelgrass meadows, study shows

A study of eelgrass meadows planted by researchers from the University of Gothenburg shows that fauna return rapidly once the eelgrass has started to grow. Already after the second summer, the biodiversity in the planted ...

Life on land and water teeters between haves and have-nots

In the race to make the world more livable for people and nature, progress on land outpaced successes in the seas, raising red flags that wealthier countries' advantages may be upsetting a balance, a Michigan State University ...

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