Related topics: space

SpaceX capsule on big mission to return to Earth (Update)

Crew Dragon, the new space capsule built by SpaceX, left orbit Friday to dive into the atmosphere for a splashdown in the Atlantic Ocean—the final and most dangerous phase of a demonstration mission for NASA.

Five reasons to forget Mars for now and return to the moon

Hopes of colonising Mars rest on the premise that we could terraform the red planet, making it habitable for humans with a breathable atmosphere and clement temperatures. However, a recent study cast doubt on the idea, concluding ...

All eyes on Trump over Mars

The year 2016 has seen a rekindling of the human desire to conquer Mars, with public and private interests openly vying to take the first step on the Red Planet, possibly with a stopover on the Moon.

What happens to a pathogenic fungus grown in space?

A new study, published this week in mSphere, provides evidence that Aspergillus fumigatus, a significant opportunistic fungal threat to human health, grows and behaves similarly on the International Space Station compared ...

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