Related topics: hurricane

NASA satellites gather data on Hurricane Joaquin

The Global Precipitation Measurement or GPM Core satellite and NASA's Aqua satellite passed over Hurricane Joaquin and looked at rainfall, cloud height and extent, revealing heavy rainfall and a more organized system than ...

NASA sees Hurricane Jimena's large eye

NASA's Aqua satellite and NOAA's GOES-East satellites provided views of Hurricane Jimena that showed it maintained a large eye and powerful thunderstorms around it. On August 31, Jimena continued moving through the Eastern ...

Suomi NPP satellite sees rapidly intensifying Hurricane Jimena

NASA-NOAA's Suomi NPP satellite flew over Hurricane Jimena in the Eastern Pacific and saw the strongest thunderstorms building up quickly, especially in the northern quadrant of the storm. Jimena intensified rapidly overnight ...

Hurricane season expected to be weaker than normal

US weather forcasters said Thursday there is a 90 percent chance that the 2015 hurricane season in the Atlantic, which runs through November 1, will be less active than normal.

No major US hurricane landfalls in nine years

The United States hasn't experienced the landfall of a Category 3 or larger hurricane in nine years – a string of years that's likely to come along only once every 177 years, according to a new NASA study.

Expect quiet hurricane season, researchers say

The 2015 Atlantic hurricane season will be significantly less active than the overall averages from 1950 to the present, according to researchers at North Carolina State University.

Major Hurricane Gonzalo gives an 'eye-opening' performance

NASA and NOAA satellites have been providing continuous coverage of Hurricane Gonzalo as it moves toward Bermuda. NASA's Terra satellite saw thunderstorms wrapped tightly around the center with large bands of thunderstorms ...

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