Chemical data management: An open way forward

One of the most challenging aspects of modern chemistry is managing data. For example, when synthesizing a new compound, scientists will go through multiple attempts of trial-and-error to find the right conditions for the ...

Genomic regulatory map of the zebrafish

Zebrafish and humans look very different on the outside. Yet about 70 percent of their genes are similar to human genes—including many that can trigger diseases. That makes the animal a popular model organism. Many observations ...

Citizen scientists find 10,000 new variable stars

Volunteer citizen scientists parsing data from a network of telescopes around the world this year identified 10,000 new variable stars in the Milky Way, according to a recent paper.

New method to predict stress at atomic scale

The amount of stress a material can withstand before it cracks is critical information when designing aircraft, spacecraft, and other structures. Aerospace engineers at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign used machine ...

Think climate change is bad for corn? Add weeds to the equation

By the end of the century, scientists expect climate change to reduce corn yield significantly, with some estimating losses up to 28%. But those calculations are missing a key factor that could drag corn yields down even ...

Artificial intelligence helps improve NASA's eyes on the Sun

A group of researchers is using artificial intelligence techniques to calibrate some of NASA's images of the Sun, helping improve the data that scientists use for solar research. The new technique was published in the journal ...

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