Lyosomes and mitochondria chat each other up in cell

Northwestern Medicine scientists have discovered that two key cellular structures, called mitochondria and lysosomes, come into direct contact with each other in the cell to regulate their respective functions. This rare ...

Detecting lysosomal pH with fluorescent probes

Lysosomes are the garbage disposals of animal cells. As the resources are limited in cells, organic materials are broken down and recycled a lot—and that's what lysosomes do. Detecting problems with lysosomes is the focus ...

Study finds how bacteria inactivate immune defenses

A new study by researchers at Imperial College London has identified a way in which Salmonella bacteria, which cause gastroenteritis and typhoid fever, counteract the defence mechanisms of human cells.

Growing corn to treat rare disease

(—The seeds of greenhouse-grown corn could hold the key to treating a rare, life-threatening childhood genetic disease, according to researchers from Simon Fraser University.

Shining light on cells' inner workings

( -- Lanrong Bi and Nazmiye Yapici are shining new light on the hidden processes within cells. For their groundbreaking research, Bi, an assistant professor of chemistry at Michigan Technological University, and ...

Researchers discover mechanism for signaling receptor recycling

An international team of researchers led by Carnegie Mellon University's Manojkumar Puthenveedu has discovered the mechanism by which signaling receptors recycle, a critical piece in understanding signaling receptor function. ...

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