Beak bone reveals pterosaur like no other

A new species of small pterosaur—similar in size to a turkey—has been discovered, which is unlike any other pterosaur seen before due to its long slender toothless beak.

Social distancing varies by income in US

Wealthier communities went from being the most mobile before the COVID-19 pandemic to the least mobile, while poorer areas have gone from the least mobile to the most mobile, according to a study by the University of California, ...

Discovery will allow more sophisticated work at nanoscale

The movement of fluids through small capillaries and channels is crucial for processes ranging from blood flow through the brain to power generation and electronic cooling systems, but that movement often stops when the channel ...

Envy divides society

It's generally recognized that differences in background and education cement class differences. It is less clear when and under what circumstances individual psychological forces can drive an initially homogenous social ...

Large earthquakes shape landscape at high elevation

The mountain landscape is a result of battle between tectonic uplift, river incision and bedrock landsliding. The erosion of landslide dominates the process of removing sediment from the watersheds; therefore, where it happens ...

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