The mystery of pointy oil droplets

A certain type of oil droplets changes shape when cooled and shrunk: from spherical through icosahedral to flat hexagonal. Two competing theories couldn't fully explain this, but now, a Physical Review Letter by Ireth García-Aguilar ...

How and what do bats hear?

A new study published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B provides the most comprehensive comparative assessment of bat hearing capacity to date and highlights the evolutionary pressures acting on their sensory perception. ...

Japanese increasingly single, disinterested in dating: study

In Japan, the proportion of the population who are single has increased dramatically in the past three decades. In 2015, one in four women and one in three men in their 30s were single, and half of the singles say they are ...

A new way of looking at the Earth's interior

Current understanding is that the chemical composition of the Earth's mantle is relatively homogeneous. But experiments conducted by ETH researchers now show that this view is too simplistic. Their results solve a key problem ...

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