Occupational hazards for ancient Egyptian scribes

Repetitive tasks carried out by ancient Egyptian scribes—high-status men with the ability to write who performed administrative tasks—and the positions they sat in while working may have led to degenerative skeletal changes, ...

Cooler states now forced to grapple with extreme heat

As temperatures soared into the 90s, the heat and humidity hit the concrete in Astoria, Queens, and bounced into the air. People moved along the scorched sidewalk slowly, their clothes drenched with sweat.

New, small, ancient crocodile-like reptile described in Brazil

The discovery of a new, ancient, predatory reptile dubbed Parvosuchus aurelioi—part of a group of crocodile-like reptiles called pseudosuchians—in Brazil is described in a paper in Scientific Reports. The specimen, which ...

The problems with climate scenarios, and how to fix them

Faced with the uncertainties surrounding climate change, policymakers and investors need to know what can happen and how likely these outcomes may be. Unfortunately, current scenarios answer only the first question—and ...

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