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Aging research goes to the dogs

From ancient alchemical quests to modern biological research, efforts to understand and combat human aging have borne few fruits. Now Cornell scientists aim to bridge the gap between lab research and aging's complexities ...

Using harsh verbal discipline with teens found to be harmful

Many American parents yell or shout at their teenagers. A new longitudinal study has found that using such harsh verbal discipline in early adolescence can be harmful to teens later. Instead of minimizing teens' problematic ...

Boys suffer from their fathers' long working hours

Fathers' extremely long working hours can be detrimental to their sons´ wellbeing. This is the key finding of a longitudinal study by Jianghong Li (senior researcher at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center) and four Australian ...

Shorter working hours do not guarantee happier workers

A reduction in working hours does not necessarily mean happier employees, as it might merely be adding stress to their general working environment. This is according to a study by Robert Rudolf of Korea University, Seoul, ...

Study charts young people's journey into homelessness

New research from TCD's Children's Research Centre provides an in-depth understanding of the process of youth homelessness. Young People's Homeless and Housing Pathways: Key Findings from a 6-year Qualitative Longitudinal ...

Australia admits Barrier Reef conditions are 'poor'

Australia admitted Wednesday conditions at the Great Barrier Reef are "poor" as it battles UNESCO threats to downgrade its heritage status over concerns about pollution and development.

Unemployment and family separation affect grandchildren

Researchers from The University of Western Australia and its affiliate, Perth's Telethon Institute for Child Health Research, have found the impact of long-term unemployment and separation in a family extends to future generations.

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