Sterile mice produce rat sperm

Researchers generated rat sperm cells inside sterile mice using a technique called blastocyst complementation. The advance appears August 4 in the journal Stem Cell Reports.

Scientists 'spray paint' cells to reveal secret genes

Many of the thousands of proteins that help our cells grow and function remain undiscovered, especially the tiniest ones that occupy what some Yale scientists are calling the "dark matter" of our genome.

New studies bolster theory coronavirus emerged from the wild

Two new studies provide more evidence that the coronavirus pandemic originated in a Wuhan, China market where live animals were sold—further bolstering the theory that the virus emerged in the wild rather than escaping ...

Wildfires ravage Spanish region twice in a month

Just a month after a huge wildfire ravaged Spain's northwestern province of Zamora, flames are once again consuming swathes of the region as locals helplessly watch their land being destroyed.

What is emotional labor, and how do we get it wrong?

The term "emotional labor" is applied to an array of home-based activities—from keeping mental to-do lists, to remembering to call your in-laws on their birthdays. Some advocate the need to teach boys emotional labor, or ...

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