Improving batteries' energy storage

MIT researchers have found a way to improve the energy density of a type of battery known as lithium-air (or lithium-oxygen) batteries, producing a device that could potentially pack several times more energy per pound than ...

Solid-state battery could double the range of electric cars

( —A cutting-edge battery technology developed at the University of Colorado Boulder that could allow tomorrow's electric vehicles to travel twice as far on a charge is now closer to becoming a commercial reality.

Major breakthrough in lithium battery technology reported

An NSERC-funded lab at the University Of Waterloo has laid the groundwork for a lithium battery that can store and deliver more than three times the power of conventional lithium ion batteries.

3D graphene: Solar cells' new platinum?

One of the most promising types of solar cells has a few drawbacks. A scientist at Michigan Technological University may have overcome one of them.

Ultracapacitors Make City Buses Cheaper, Greener

( -- A fleet of 17 buses near Shanghai has been running on ultracapacitors for the past three years, and today that technology is coming to the Washington, DC, for a one-day demonstration. Chinese company Shanghai ...

Engineering researchers develop next-generation battery

( —A research team from the University of Alberta has used carbon nanomaterials to develop next-generation batteries capable of charging faster and lasting longer than today's standard lithium-ion batteries.

Putting the pedal to the metal: Lithium metal improves fuel cells

( -- Water splitting is a clean way to generate hydrogen, which is seen by many as the fuel of the future. Scientists from the Energy Technology Research Institute, AIST in Tsukuba, Japan now report in ChemSusChem ...

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