What do we really know about the crucifixion of Jesus?

The many different accounts of the crucifixion of Jesus find little support in historical sources. The reason is that antique sources generally lack descriptions of crucifixions, says Gunnar Samuelsson, University of Gothenburg, ...

What is good science?

Scientific knowledge is important in today's knowledge society. Research is the guarantor of the quality of knowledge, though it is often not clear how scientific research guarantees the reliability of knowledge. How different ...

The 'unknome': A database of human genes we know almost nothing about

Researchers from the United Kingdom hope that a new, publicly available database they have created will shrink, not grow, over time. That's because it is a compendium of the thousands of understudied proteins encoded by genes ...

Drug discovery and development—in space

Carrying out scientific experiments in space allows scientists to study and make drugs without gravity, which can lead to surprising results that improve research back on Earth. According to a cover story in Chemical & Engineering ...

Nobel Prize in Physics to be awarded

The 2019 Nobel Prize in Physics will be awarded Tuesday, a day after two Americans and one British scientist were given the award for Physiology or Medicine.

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