Freezing lithium batteries may make them safer and bendable

Yuan Yang, assistant professor of materials science and engineering at Columbia Engineering, has developed a new method that could lead to lithium batteries that are safer, have longer battery life, and are bendable, providing ...

Team tricks solid into acting as liquid

Two scientists at the University of Central Florida have discovered how to get a solid material to act like a liquid without actually turning it into liquid, potentially opening a new world of possibilities for the electronic, ...

New chemistries found for liquid batteries

Liquid metal batteries, invented by MIT professor Donald Sadoway and his students a decade ago, are a promising candidate for making renewable energy more practical. The batteries, which can store large amounts of energy ...

Solid electrolytes open doors to solid-state batteries

Japanese scientists have synthesized two crystal materials that show great promise as solid electrolytes. All-solid-state batteries built using the solid electrolytes exhibit excellent properties, including high power and ...

New hybrid electrolyte for solid-state lithium batteries

Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) have developed a novel electrolyte for use in solid-state lithium batteries that overcomes many of the problems that plague ...

Going solid-state could make batteries safer and longer-lasting

If you pry open one of today's ubiquitous high-tech devices—whether a cellphone, a laptop, or an electric car—you'll find that batteries take up most of the space inside. Indeed, the recent evolution of batteries has ...

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