A novel approach for the study of integral membrane proteins

The membranes that surround our cells contain a large number of proteins. Membrane proteins are therefore a crucial class of macromolecules in living systems. They play key roles, such as providing transport gateways into ...

Assembly of fluctuating molecules in artificial cell membrane

Lipids and membrane proteins existing in cell membranes, which are located at the outermost layer of cells, are responsible for recognizing extracellular environments and transferring that information inside the cell. Due ...

Flipping lipids for cell transport-tubules

Researchers are getting closer to understanding the molecular processes that cause parts of cell membranes to morph into tiny tubes that can transport molecules in and out of cells.

On the path to vitamin A in rice

The lack of vitamin A in food is a major cause of health problems worldwide and can lead to blindness and even death. This is especially a problem in threshold or third-world countries, where children are likely to suffer ...

Chemists discovered how the viper venom works

Russian scientists report that the enzyme phospholipase A2 from the Vipera nikolskii venom is able to adhere to lipid membranes and cause their aggregation, even if the activity of the enzyme is specifically blocked. This ...

Study debunks old concept of how anesthesia works

Anesthesia induces unconsciousness by changing the function of proteins that reside on the surface of a thin membrane that forms a barrier around all cells, according to new research from Weill Cornell Medicine scientists. ...

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