Biological light sensor filmed in action

Using X-ray laser technology, a team led by researchers of the Paul Scherrer Institute PSI has recorded one of the fastest processes in biology. In doing so, they produced a molecular movie that reveals how the light sensor ...

Physicists devise method to reveal how light affects materials

Physicists developed a way to determine the electronic properties of thin gold films after they interact with light. Nature Communications published the new method, which adds to the understanding of the fundamental laws ...

Image: Dragon lifts off

The latest Dragon cargo vehicle was launched to the International Space Station on 2 April, taking with it ESA's Atmosphere-Space Interactions Monitor.

New lensless camera creates detailed 3-D images without scanning

Researchers have developed an easy-to-build camera that produces 3D images from a single 2D image without any lenses. In an initial application of the technology, the researchers plan to use the new camera, which they call ...

The stacked color sensor

Red-sensitive, blue-sensitive and green-sensitive color sensors stacked on top of each other instead of being lined up in a mosaic pattern – this principle could allow image sensors with unprecedented resolution and sensitivity ...

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