Next-generation light bulb shines at CES

A California startup out to change the world shined at the Consumer Electronics Show on Thursday with a light bulb blending beauty and efficiency with love for the Earth.

Review: 'Smart' LED bulbs controlled by iPhones

LED bulbs seem to be the future of home lighting: They save electricity, they're durable and they don't contain mercury like compact fluorescents. But having them produce white light like any old light bulb is like using ...

Single photon emitter takes a step closer to quantum tech

To get closer to quantum technology we need to develop non-classical light sources that can emit a single photon at a time and do so on demand. Scientists at EPFL have now designed one of these "single photon emitters" that ...

Optimizing lighting for better learning

The intensity of artificial lighting has been shown to have a range of effects on our mood and our ability to concentrate. New research explores the color of lighting and its effect on our cognitive performance. The study, ...

Review: New light bulbs offer alternative to LEDs and CFLs

For consumers who are still bemoaning the phaseout of incandescent light bulbs, hate the harsh CFLs and can't figure out LEDs, another option may be on the horizon - a new kind of bulb is slated to hit store shelves this ...

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