Bacteria -- energy producers of the future? (w/ video)

All of us use water and in the process, a lot of it goes to waste. Whether it goes down drains, sewers or toilets, much of it ends up at a wastewater treatment plant where it undergoes rigorous cleaning before it flows back ...

Light reveals new details of Gauguin's creative process

French artist Paul Gauguin is well known for his colorful paintings of Tahitian life—such as the painting that sold recently for nearly $300 million—but he also was a highly experimental printmaker. Little is known, however, ...

Lawmakers move to secure more life for 100-watt bulb

The House of Representatives gave extended life to the 100-watt bulb Friday, voting to delay a ban on sales of the incandescent bulb for nine months, from Jan. 1 to the end of the fiscal year, Sept. 30, 2012.

Do energy-efficient LED lights cause unexpected ecological damage?

Planet earth runs on light energy. Light energy from the sun powers photosynthetic processes in plants and different wavelengths of light cue these plants to flower, move their leaves, and grow taller. These same cues influence ...

Researchers Turn Classic Children's Toy Into Tiny Motor

Researchers at the University of Texas at Austin have miniaturized a children's toy into a tiny motor that could one day power medical devices or harvest solar energy. The device, called a radiometer, is based on a classical ...

How quantum mechanics can change computing

In early July, Google announced that it will expand its commercially available cloud computing services to include quantum computing. A similar service has been available from IBM since May. These aren't services most regular ...

Home electricity use in US falling to 2001 levels

The average amount of electricity consumed in U.S. homes has fallen to levels last seen more than a decade ago, back when the smartest device in people's pockets was a Palm pilot and anyone talking about a tablet was probably ...

Quantum dots brighten the future of lighting

( -- With the age of the incandescent light bulb fading rapidly, the holy grail of the lighting industry is to develop a highly efficient form of solid-state lighting that produces high quality white light.

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