Saturn V was loud but didn't melt concrete

The Saturn V carried man to the moon and remains the most powerful rocket to successfully launch to orbit. It captures the imagination—but sometimes, it might capture a bit too much imagination. Abundant internet claims ...

Why NASA observes the Sun in different wavelengths

(—Taking a photo of the sun with a standard camera will provide a familiar image: a yellowish, featureless disk, perhaps colored a bit more red when near the horizon since the light must travel through more of ...

Rethinking the incandescent lightbulb

A team of material scientists and engineers affiliated with a host of institutions in China took a new look at the incandescent light bulb and found a way to improve its efficiency. In their paper published in the journal ...

Thomas Edison's 'lost' idea: A device to hear the dead

One of Thomas Edison's little-known ambitions was to build a device to hear the voices of the dead, according to a nearly lost chapter of the inventor's memoirs which is being republished in France this week.

Tiny particles make LED light more pleasing

(AP) -- Light-emitting diodes are prime candidates for replacing inefficient incandescent bulbs, but have a few things working against them. They can provide a pleasing warm light or they can be energy-efficient, but they ...

Fiber laser points to woven 3-D displays

Most light emitters, from candles to light bulbs to computer screens, look the same from any angle. But in a paper published this week on the Nature Photonics website, MIT researchers report the development of a new light ...

Cheap, efficient white light LEDs new design

Roughly 20 percent of the electricity consumed worldwide is used to light homes, businesses, and other private and public spaces. Though this consumption represents a large drain on resources, it also presents a tremendous ...

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