Life cycle assessment of carbon capture

Life cycle assessment of carbon capture at incineration plants shows that despite some drawbacks, the net result is a clear advantage for the climate.

Study reveals how novel COVID manipulates cells to replicate

An article published in the journal Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology reports a study by researchers at the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) and the University of São Paulo (USP) in Brazil showing how ...

Modeling the impact of green eggs and hens

The whole food movement may be right; consumption of vegan and organic food can be the best choice for reducing environmental impacts, at least if you're a chicken.

Balancing the economy while saving the planet

If you make your bio-product 100% sustainable it may be way too expensive to produce. If you make it less environmentally friendly, you may, at some point, end up having a feasible product that can compete on market terms. ...

Computer models combat malaria

As one of the world's deadliest pathogens, Plasmodium spreads relentlessly from host to host. But a computer model created by KAUST scientists may reveal and help exploit the parasite's unknown weaknesses to uncover new options ...

Awareness and labeling initiatives can benefit inland fisheries

Sustainable seafood initiatives, including certification and ecolabeling and awareness schemes, could be extended to more effectively cover inland, freshwater fisheries, according to researchers writing in the November issue ...

A tool to improve the sustainability of the transport sector

Transport is responsible for a quarter of the greenhouse gas emissions in Europe, so the European Commission has developed various strategies and directives designed to reduce dependence on oil, and the transport gas emissions ...

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