New link could battle greenhouse gas emissions

The discovery of a new form of microbial life that can consume the potent greenhouse gas methane has earned University of Queensland (UQ) researchers a place in the prestigious journal Nature.

Scientists find 'concerning' flaw in malaria diagnostics

Current methods can vastly overestimate the rates that malaria parasites are multiplying in an infected person's blood, which has important implications for determining how harmful they could be to a host, according to a ...

Palmer amaranth could affect Illinois soybean yield

Although agricultural weed Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) primarily impacts southern U.S. states, new research shows it could soon spread further north and damage soybean yields in Illinois.

Researchers discover new multicellular bacteria species

Researchers in Japan have identified a new species of bacteria with unique multicellular characteristics that may provide insight into how multicellularity arises, according to a study published today in eLife.

Clarifying the chaos of narwhal behavior

Researchers have used the mathematical equations of chaos theory to analyze the data from long-term monitoring of an electronically tagged narwhal. They have extracted previously undetected diurnal patterns within what initially ...

White cheeks are more titillating

Male blue tits with white cheeks are healthier and more likely to mate with higher quality partners than their counterparts with duller cheek feathers. Having purer white cheeks also indicates that a blue tit was better able ...

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