Endocrine-disrupting pesticides impair frog reproduction

In a new study, researchers from Sweden and Britain have investigated how the endocrine-disrupting substance linuron affects reproduction in the West African clawed frog, Xenopus tropicalis. The scientists found that linuron, ...

Research offers new insights into malaria parasite

A team of researchers led by a University of California, Riverside, scientist has found that various stages of the development of human malaria parasites, including stages involved in malaria transmission, are linked to epigenetic ...

Decoding tornadoes' infrasound waves

Infrasound waves oscillate at frequencies humans can't hear, but they're extremely useful for monitoring nuclear blasts because infrasound decays so slowly within our atmosphere that it can wrap around Earth multiple times. ...

Computer models combat malaria

As one of the world's deadliest pathogens, Plasmodium spreads relentlessly from host to host. But a computer model created by KAUST scientists may reveal and help exploit the parasite's unknown weaknesses to uncover new options ...

Land under water: Estimating hydropower's land use impacts

Hydropower is the world's top source of renewable energy, producing a whopping 16 percent of the global energy supply. But hydropower is not without its environmental costs, particularly when it comes to the land that is ...

Will a cold winter kill off ticks?

The bad news is that even particularly harsh winter weather – like that experienced by much of the East Coast this year – won't kill off ticks. They are hardy little critters. However, a brutal winter could still have ...

White cheeks are more titillating

Male blue tits with white cheeks are healthier and more likely to mate with higher quality partners than their counterparts with duller cheek feathers. Having purer white cheeks also indicates that a blue tit was better able ...

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