LASSO case study—tapping ARM's Doppler lidars

Cumulus clouds, low and rain-free, get their name from the Latin word for "heap." With flat bases and puffy upper surfaces, such clouds appear to bubble into the sky, turning grey at the bottom and brilliant white at the ...

Life cycle of sulphur predicts location of valuable minerals

A team of researchers from The University of Western Australia and two Canadian universities has applied a first-of-its-kind technique that measures the long-term life cycle of sulphur, helping to explain the preferential ...

Structure of spherical viruses aren't as perfect as we thought

Determining the structure of a virus is an important step in understanding and treating viral disease. For decades, structural biologists have been using cryo-electron microscopy to create increasingly accurate pictures of ...

Finding a weak link in the frightful parasite Schistosoma

The parasitic disease schistosomiasis is one of the developing world's worst public health scourges, affecting hundreds of millions of people, yet only a single, limited treatment exists to combat the disease.

Video: Life cycle of the firefly

A firefly's life cycle encompasses much more than the three to six weeks when the adults light up summer evenings. UConn professor of physiology and neurobiology Andrew Moiseff and his research team are working to learn more ...

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