Ancient cultures a click away

( -- Portals used to launch you, Stargate-style, to bizarre places brought to life by science fiction writers. Today, thanks to European research, portals can take you to fascinating virtual destinations - both ...

Chiral detection of biomolecules based on reinforcement learning

As one of the basic physical properties, chirality plays an important role in many fields. Especially in biomedical chemistry, the discrimination of enantiomers is a very important research subject. Most biomolecules exhibit ...

Adding an online dimension to university rankings

The COVID-19 pandemic has driven the digital transformation of university education. Over the last two years, the rest of the world's higher education centers have joined the pioneering universities which were created and ...

Why freemium software has no place in our classrooms

Digital teaching and communication tools are increasingly present in kindergarten to Grade 12 classrooms. By April 2020, not long after the onset of the pandemic, Google Classroom had doubled its users to more than 100 million.

Applying artificial intelligence to science education

A new review published in the Journal of Research in Science Teaching highlights the potential of machine learning—a subset of artificial intelligence—in science education. Although the authors initiated their review ...

Researchers work to create a roadmap on quantum materials

The term 'quantum materials' was introduced to highlight the exotic properties of unconventional superconductors, heavy-fermion systems (materials with unusual electronic and magnetic properties) and multifunctional oxides. ...

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