Google, Yahoo zero in on Internet 'freedom' bill

Google Inc. and other Internet companies have zeroed in on a resilient effort by a Republican lawmaker to pass legislation that could restrict their ability to take a nuanced approach to operating in "repressive" foreign ...

Fox CEO wants US to join France on Internet piracy

(AP) -- The chief executive of Fox Filmed Entertainment said Monday the U.S. should join France in cutting off the Internet connection of users who repeatedly download copyright-protected films.

US to push plan to swap for fuel efficient cars

A key US lawmaker Tuesday announced agreement after White House talks on a plan to offer Americans government cash to trade in "old clunkers" -- ancient, gas guzzling cars -- for fuel efficient models.

EU takes step towards recycled packaging

An EU push towards bloc-wide rules on recyclable packaging to cut plastic and other waste got initial support in the European Parliament on Tuesday.

Teen climate activist to French critics: Listen to science

Swedish teen climate activist Greta Thunberg has told lawmakers at France's lower house of parliament that they need to listen to scientists on the issue of climate change and act now to avert a catastrophe.

Global lawmakers grill Facebook exec; Zuckerberg's a no-show

A cohort of international lawmakers is trying to turn up the pressure on Facebook, grilling one of its executives and making a show of founder Mark Zuckerberg's refusal to explain to them why his company failed to protect ...

Congress wants EPA to more quickly regulate unsafe chemicals

Republican and Democratic lawmakers pressed the Environmental Protection Agency on Thursday to act faster to bring more of the country's most hazardous industrial chemicals and substances under tighter regulation, saying ...

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