California submits rival Colorado River water plan

California has submitted a rival plan for use of the Colorado River, after six other states accused it of refusing to cooperate in the battle over usage of a dwindling major US watercourse.

Pumping Mississippi River water west: solution or dream?

Waves of torrential rainfall drenched California into the new year. Snowpacks in the Sierra Nevada Mountains have swelled to more than 200% their normal size, and snowfall across the rest of the Colorado River Basin is trending ...

US states miss water share agreement deadline

Seven US states that rely on the Colorado River on Tuesday missed a federal government deadline to agree on reducing water consumption from a watercourse that has been overused for decades.

Scientists delve into natural slicks on Lake Geneva

An EPFL researcher has, for the first time, documented slicks—those visually arresting, moving patches of smooth water—and explained what is happening beneath the surface.

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