Team succeeds in culturing the pygmy zebra octopus

For generations, scientists have relied on a handful of organisms to study the fundamentals of biology. The usual suspects—fruit flies, zebrafish, and mice, among others—all have short lifespans, small body size, can ...

Frizzleds are dynamic, molecular machines

Maria Kowalski-Jahn and Hannes Schihada, two postdocs in the Schulte laboratory, have used a novel technology of fluorescently labeling receptors with a minimally invasive technique and detecting structural rearrangements ...

Ski wax chemicals alter animals' brains and livers

Last year, researcher Randi Grønnestad received a great deal of attention for her research carried out at the Granåsen Ski Centre in Trondheim, Norway. She found hormonal disorders and changes in the brains of bank voles ...

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