New 3D-printing ink could make cultured meat more cost-effective

Cultured meat (also known as cell-based or lab-grown meat) is a promising, more environmentally friendly alternative to meat produced from traditional livestock farming. However, production costs are still high and need to ...

Scientists use copper nanowires to combat the spread of diseases

An ancient metal used for its microbial properties is the basis for a materials-based solution to disinfection. A team of scientists from Ames National Laboratory, Iowa State University, and University at Buffalo developed ...

Fine-tuning device performance with swarms of swimming cells

Scientists use acoustic microfluidic devices to separate and sort components in fluids, such as red and white blood cells, platelets and tumor cells in blood, to better understand diseases or to develop new treatments. However, ...

Student researchers shed light on ultrathin materials

In 2014, electrical engineering major Alex Yore was looking for a way to get some hands-on experience in materials science when he stumbled upon something fortuitous—a new physics faculty member looking to get his lab up ...

Dead feeder cells support stem cell growth

Stem cells naturally cling to feeder cells as they grow in petri dishes. Scientists have thought for years that this attachment occurs because feeder cells serve as a support system, providing stems cells with essential nutrients.

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