NMR advance brings proteins into the open

When working a cold case, smart investigators try something new. By taking a novel approach to nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy – a blending of four techniques – scientists have been able to resolve a key interaction ...

Ultrasound 'making waves' for enhancing biofuel production

All chefs know that "you have to break some eggs to make an omelet," and that includes engineers at Iowa State University who are using high-frequency sound waves to break down plant materials in order to cook up a better ...

Explainer: What are stem cells?

In a paper published in Cell yesterday, scientists from the US and Thailand have, for the first time, successfully produced embryonic stem cells from human skin cells.

New device could make diagnosing disease as simple as breathing

(Phys.org) —A range of diseases and conditions, from asthma to liver disease, could be diagnosed and monitored quickly and painlessly just by breathing, using gas sensing technology developed by a Cambridge spin-out.

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