In New York village, a trail of cancer leads to tap water

After his factory worker father died a painful death from kidney cancer at age 68 in 2013, Michael Hickey made it his mission to find out why so many people in his hometown along the Hoosic River were getting sick.

Healthy or sick? Tiny cell bubbles may hold the answer

Rutgers scientists have uncovered biological pathways in the roundworm that provide insight into how tiny bubbles released by cells can have beneficial health effects, like promoting tissue repair, or may play a diabolical ...

Rapid analysis of kidney stones

Kidney stones rank among the most common illnesses. Their recurrence might be prevented with the right postoperative care. However, for this to be effective, composition of the stones should be known. Fraunhofer researchers ...

Sticklebacks urinate differently when nestbuilding

Fish also build nests. Among sticklebacks this is done by the male, requiring so many of his resources that he cannot function normally while at work: He loses his ability to produce urine normally. Now scientists from University ...

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