Does zinc inhibit or promote growth of kidney stones? Well, both

A funny thing happened on the way to discovering how zinc impacts kidney stones—two different theories emerged, each contradicting the other. One: Zinc stops the growth of the calcium oxalate crystals that make up the stones; ...

Calcium: Good for bones, good for cultural conservation

When it comes to cultural heritage sites, there are few things historians wouldn't do to preserve them for future generations. In particular, stone buildings and sculptures made of plaster and marble are increasingly at risk ...

Harnessing sound for health

When a person develops a kidney stone or a gall stone—hard accumulations of minerals and other compounds created by the body—they can experience a great deal of pain and discomfort. In more advanced cases, these stones ...

Rapid analysis of kidney stones

Kidney stones rank among the most common illnesses. Their recurrence might be prevented with the right postoperative care. However, for this to be effective, composition of the stones should be known. Fraunhofer researchers ...

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