Healthy or sick? Tiny cell bubbles may hold the answer

Rutgers scientists have uncovered biological pathways in the roundworm that provide insight into how tiny bubbles released by cells can have beneficial health effects, like promoting tissue repair, or may play a diabolical ...

Video: Soon, kidneys-on-a-chip will rocket to space station

UW scientists are prepping a kidney-on-a-chip experiment at Cape Canaveral, Florida, awaiting a shuttle launch that will take the chips into space. At an altitude of 250 miles, astronauts will help study how reduced gravity in ...

A key step toward growing human kidneys in the laboratory

Kidney disease affects one in nine adults globally and the incidence of kidney failure is steadily rising around the world. Being able to grow working kidney tissue in a laboratory could help accelerate medical treatments ...

Research of Danish astronomer's remains completed

Scientists have concluded taking samples of the remains of Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe that they hope could help them shed light on his sudden death more than 400 years ago.

Using heat to beat toxins

Researchers have developed a promising way to cleanse the environment of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) – some of the most insidious toxins known to humans.

India's uranium mines cast a health shadow

Gudiya Das whines as flies settle on her face, waiting for her mother to swat them while she lies on a cot in Ichra, one in a cluster of villages around India's only functioning uranium mines.

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