Astronauts get go ahead for Good Friday launch

(AP) -- A NASA astronaut and two Russian colleagues received the thumbs-up Thursday for a mission that will boost the population of the International Space Station to six.

Russia launches European telecoms satellite

A Russian Proton-M rocket completed the successful launch Wednesday of a European telecommunications satellite after a two-month delay.

Russian-US crew blast off for ISS from Kazakhstan (Update)

A crew of two Russian cosmonauts and an American astronaut blasted off Tuesday from Kazakhstan on a Russian Soyuz rocket for the International Space Station, with US-Russia space cooperation pressing on despite the diplomatic ...

Balkans gold rush prompts pollution fears

Plans by mining companies to dig for gold in Romania and Greece have triggered massive opposition, with academics and environmentalists stressing that risks far outweigh benefits for the Balkan nations.

New launch date for CryoSat-2 confirmed

( -- The technical issue with the second stage of the Dnepr rocket that delayed the launch of ESA's Earth Explorer CryoSat-2 satellite in February has now been resolved - and the new launch date of 8 April has ...

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