Jumping drops get boost from gravity

A decade ago a new idea was brought into the general scientific community—shedding water from condensers was more efficient by using surface tension to make microscopic water droplets "jump" off the surface. The idea took ...

Cute jumping spider named for children's author

A spider expert at the Manchester Museum has confirmed a new species of jumping spider discovered in a park in Hong Kong. The unique spider bears a striking resemblance to a caterpillar leading it to be named Uroballus Carlei, ...

Why don't birds fall over when they jump?

Scientists have been analysing the way birds jump when they take-off to help us understand why they simply don't just fall over when attempting to fly.

Uncovering the role of the ilio-sacral joint in frogs

A trio of researchers, two with the Royal Veterinary College, the other the University of Portsmouth, has found evidence that suggests that the ilio-sacral joint in frogs evolved after they started jumping. In their paper ...

Developing flies jump without legs

Imagine jumping 25 times your body length in only 2.5 seconds. Impossible, right? Now imagine making that jump with no running start, having just gotten out of bed…and with no legs. Though utterly impossible for humans ...

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