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New bird app spreads its wings

Researchers from The University of Queensland have helped design an app to protect birds at risk of extinction across the world by breaking down language barriers between scientists.

Anti-aging treatment for smart windows

Electrochromic windows, so-called 'smart windows', share a well-known problem with rechargeable batteries – their limited lifespan. Researchers at Uppsala University have now worked out an entirely new way to rejuvenate ...

The surprising power of chicken manure

Each year, American farmers raise billions of chickens, more than enough for a "chicken for every pot," as Herbert Hoover's campaign once promised.

Introducing diversity in online language analysis

For the past 30 years, computer science researchers have been teaching their machines to read, for example, assigning back issues of the Wall Street Journal, so computers can learn the English they need to run search engines ...

Essential oils help control fungus growth in Argentinian corn

Argentina is the second highest corn producing country in the world. But because of the slow drying process in corn kernels and wet weather conditions in Argentina, corn grown there can easily become infected with fungus. ...

Women are 'socially' networked, study shows

( -- Bloggers and other social network users are more likely to share knowledge online where the qualities of trust, strong social ties and reciprocity are present, according to a study forthcoming in the Journal ...

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