Related topics: employees

Study: Teleworkers more satisfied than office-based employees

Employees who telecommute the majority of the work week are more satisfied with their jobs compared to those working mostly in the office because working remotely alleviates more stress than it creates, according to a new ...

How to avoid employee depression in a recession

As employees become increasingly anxious about job security and financial worries during an economic recession, satisfaction with the job they have, commitment to their company and engagement with their work are all affected ...

How to preserve employee morale during cost-cutting

After cutbacks and layoffs, remaining employees were more likely to feel they were treated fairly if the companies invested in them—and morale was less likely to plunge, according to new research.

Men support cracking glass ceiling

Male workers appear to support women becoming CEOs even more than female workers do, finds new research on the proverbial glass ceiling and job satisfaction in six formerly socialist countries.

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