Keeping time: Circadian clocks

Our planet was revolving on its axis, turning night into day every 24 hours, for 4.5 billion years - long before any form of life existed here. About a billion years later, the very first simple bacterial cells came into ...

Researchers identify structure of circadian clock protein

( -- Feeling jet-lagged? You may need your internal clock reset. New Cornell research has taken a major step toward treating jet lag and other more serious syndromes by advancing our understanding of how circadian ...

New chemical may lead to jet lag drug

( -- Jet lag, as every long-distance airline passenger knows, disrupts the body's normal circadian rhythms, or body clocks, and causes some very unpleasant effects such as disturbed sleep and fatigue. Now scientists ...

Researchers use math to reduce jet lag

Reducing jet lag is the aim of a new mathematical methodology and software program developed by researchers at Brigham and Women's Hospital and the University of Michigan.

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