Insects can school humans in coping with adversity

Insects have to cope with a wide range of environmental factors in order to thrive – disease, drought and habitat changes. Scientists hope that studying insect biology and behaviour could help humans cope with problems ...

Bartering for science—using mobile apps to get research data

There's a transaction that happens every time you load a website, send an email, or click "like" on a friend's post: You get something you want in exchange for some data about your actions and interests. Entire business models ...

Newly synthesised molecules turn back biological clock

Scientists in Japan have designed new molecules that modify the circadian rhythm, opening the way to the possibility of managing jet lag and improving treatments for sleep disorders.

Reading a biological clock in the dark

Our species' waking and sleeping cycles – shaped in millions of years of evolution – have been turned upside down within a single century with the advent of electric lighting and airplanes. As a result, millions of people ...

Red Bull set for marketing history with supersonic jump

Felix Baumgartner, set to leap from the edge of space on Sunday, is no stranger to breaking records. But neither is the firm bankrolling and sponsoring his audacious jump: energy drink maker and marketing trailblazer Red ...

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