Related topics: diabetes · beta cells

Biomaterial shows promise for Type 1 diabetes treatment

( —Researchers have made a significant first step with newly engineered biomaterials for cell transplantation that could help lead to a possible cure for Type 1 diabetes, which affects about 3 million Americans.

'Security guard' zinc is off-duty in diabetes

( -- In type 2 diabetes, a protein called amylin forms dense clumps that shut down insulin-producing cells, wreaking havoc on the control of blood sugar. But in people without diabetes, amylin doesn't misbehave; ...

A new mechanism for reversible proteasome inhibition

In their function as cellular recycling plants, proteasomes fulfill a life-sustaining role in all cells -- including cancer cells. When the proteasomes become inhibited, cells suffocate in their own waste. A reversible proteasome ...

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