Related topics: water

Planning in the near term for climate change

When scientists talk about climate change, they usually mean significant changes in the measures of climate over several decades or longer. Climate variability generally refers to seasonal changes over a year or so.

Farmers plant rice near crippled Fukushima site

Farmers have resumed planting rice for market only 15 kilometres (nine miles) from Japan's crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station, a local official said Wednesday.

Climate change: Can nature help us?

( —Hard-engineered sea walls have a limited life span. Could saltmarshes and mangroves offer a different approach to buffering against storm surges and coastal erosion?

Two approaches for optimizing water productivity

Agricultural Research Service researchers in Bushland, Texas, are helping farmers make the most of their water supplies in a region where they depend on the Ogallala Aquifer, a massive underground reservoir under constant ...

New NASA satellite takes the Salton Sea's temperature

( —An image from an instrument aboard NASA's Landsat Data Continuity Mission or LDCM satellite may look like a typical black-and-white image of a dramatic landscape, but it tells a story of temperature. The dark ...

Irrigation can give rise to increased precipitation

PhD candidate Obbe Tuinenburg defended his doctoral thesis on the 15th of April, 2013. His research related to the effects of large-scale irrigation in India on the atmosphere and rainfall. One of the conclusions of this ...

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