Related topics: water

Drought declared in New Zealand's North Island

New Zealand declared a drought across its entire North Island for the first time in at least 30 years on Friday, with low river levels in the capital Wellington also worrying officials.

Projected U.S. water use likely to increase as climate warms

Despite increases in efficiency, water demand in the United States is likely to increase substantially in the future if climate continues to warm, new projections indicate. Brown et al. project future water use to 2090 based ...

Scientists predict Santiago de Chile will get drier and warmer

Today, 10% or more of the population in the Metropolitan Region of Santiago de Chile is affected by extreme heat or floods. And, these threats will likely increase due to the continuous expansion of the Chilean capital, the ...

Expert: Drought-tolerant corn advances beginning to show

There's nothing like a couple years of drought to help determine the advances being made in drought-tolerant corn. And Dr. Qingwu Xue, a Texas A&M AgriLife Research scientist, says there are some significant differences starting ...

Project puts drought-tolerant crops in the spotlight

Water is the most important component of a plant's growth, but researchers have discovered that some plants can survive with less. Researchers in Europe are now working on developing crops that can tolerate droughts, specifically ...

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