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Apple seeking 'next big direction': co-founder

Apple is in a waiting period with the US gadget giant seeking the "next big direction" almost two years after the death of its groundbreaking boss Steve Jobs, the company's co-founder Steve Wozniak said Thursday.

Review: IPad Mini both delights and disappoints

I have mixed feelings about the iPad Mini, Apple's new pint-size tablet. I like its featherweight design, solid-feeling case and access to the entire library of appliciations available for the full-sized iPad. From those ...

Apple unveils faster, more powerful iPhone 4S

The most closely kept secret about the iPhone 5? There isn't one - yet. Apple unveiled a faster, more powerful version of its sleek iPhone on Tuesday and named it the 4S. It includes a futuristic, voice-activated personal ...

Samsung launches new oversized smartphone

Samsung launched Wednesday the newest version of its oversized smartphone Galaxy Note, just a week after Apple's iPhone 5 hit shelves, in an apparent bid to outpace its rival with a wider range of gadgets.

Maps fiasco mars Apple's big iPhone launch

Melting bridges, misplaced landmarks, and major cities disappearing: Apple's glitch-ridden maps program released in its new mobile software has customers fuming and analysts puzzled.

Foxconn says cannot meet demand for iPhone 5

Taiwan's Foxconn has admitted that it cannot meet strong demand for Apple's new iPhone 5 due to difficulties in building the gadget, as investors grow concerned about the US giant's future earnings.

Review: Slick iOS 7 shines on Apple's new iPhones (Update)

One of the best things about Apple's latest iPhones is the slick new iOS 7 software that runs the devices. But that souped-up operating system could end up hurting sales because the free software upgrade will also work on ...

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