Insulators turn up the heat on quantum bits

Physicists have long suspected that dielectric materials may significantly disrupt ion-trap quantum computers. Now, researchers led by Tracy Northup have developed a new method to quantify this source of error for the first ...

Bacteria Are Better Gene Packers Than We Thought

( -- In microbial genomes, genes are typically depicted as linear series of separate regulatory and coding regions. This leads to the assumption that annotations done by computer to predict such arrangements completely ...

Coffee machine helps physicists to make more efficient ion traps

Scientists from ITMO University have developed and applied a new method for analyzing the electromagnetic field inside ion traps. For the first time, they explained the field deviations inside nonlinear radio-frequency traps. ...

Image: Sensing the moon

A new sensor to identify lunar volatiles is being assembled in a clean room at The Open University, UK ahead of some exciting missions to the moon.

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