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More frequent financial reporting benefits investors

When it comes to financial reporting, how much information is too much? Public companies in the U.S. file reports every three months to comply with the rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission.

'Hot' hedge funds come up short for investors, researchers find

In at least one way, asset classes in capital markets are not unlike consumer products. As they compete for investor cash, trend cycles often come into play. The movement of demand toward the "hot" investment vehicle of the ...

Do Chinese investors trust expanded audit reports?

The global financial crisis of 2007–2009 prompted calls for greater transparency in auditing processes, and since 2013, the auditors of UK-listed companies have been required to highlight key audit matters or KAMs. However, ...

Why have venture capitalists become so founder-friendly?

Companies backed by venture capitalists ("VCs") have a disproportionate influence on our economy; they provide funding to less than 0.25% of new businesses, but more than 47% of US companies that went public between 1995 ...

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An investor is any party that makes an investment.

The term has taken on a specific meaning in finance to describe the particular types of people and companies that regularly purchase equity or debt securities for financial gain in exchange for funding an expanding company. Less frequently, the term is applied to parties who purchase real estate, currency, commodity derivatives, personal property, or other assets.

The term implies that a party purchases and holds assets in hopes of achieving capital gain or cash flow, not as a profession or for short-term income.

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