Relational mobility may influence your interpersonal behaviors

A large-scale analysis has suggested that it's easier for people to form and replace relationships in North America, Europe and Latin America, compared to Asia and the Middle East, what causes these differences, and how they ...

Women use gossip to compete for a man's attention

Although both men and women gossip, women may be more likely to use gossiping and rumour-mongering as tactics to badmouth a potential rival who is competing for a man's attention. Women also gossip more about other women's ...

Workplace gossip can benefit employees and employers: Study

New research from Binghamton University, State University of New York shows how some workplace gossip could reduce the likelihood of employee turnover and, as a result, potentially boost an organization's effectiveness.

The early pandemic's effect on engineering students' learning

In March 2020, students at countless universities suddenly began taking classes online as the COVID-19 pandemic swept across the globe. But what students experienced during this time was not online learning, but telework, ...

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