Women use gossip to compete for a man's attention

Although both men and women gossip, women may be more likely to use gossiping and rumour-mongering as tactics to badmouth a potential rival who is competing for a man's attention. Women also gossip more about other women's ...

The art of maintaining productive sales channel partnerships

As manufacturers well know, the nuances of interpersonal relationships are writ large in the context of sales channel partner programs, and knowing how to manage them is a surprisingly delicate business. A paper forthcoming ...

Punishment plays important role in forgiveness

(Phys.org) —It's easier for people to forgive someone for doing wrong against them if some form of punishment is involved, according to psychology researchers at the University of Adelaide.

Cross-racial teaching studied

Kelly Sassi, assistant professor in the School of Education and English department, and Amy Carpenter Ford, an assistant professor from Central Michigan University, co-wrote the article, "Authority in Cross-Racial Teaching ...

Staff-prisoner relationships are key to prison quality

As public sector prisons move towards the thin staffing level model of profit-making institutions, with their high turnover of personnel who are less connected to their occupation, a study funded by the Economic and Social ...

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