3D printing near net shape parts with no post-processing

Carnegie Mellon University Professor Rahul Panat, and his team, were developing a new type of 3D printed Brain-Computer Interface (or BCI) device where custom micropillars capture the communication signals from neurons when ...

PeSTo: A new AI tool for predicting protein interactions

Scientists at EPFL have developed PeSTo, an AI model that can predict, with high confidence, the binding interfaces of proteins when they bind other proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, ions, and small molecules. The model's ...

Study reveals origin of superconductivity in nickelates

Nickelates are a material class that has excited scientists because of its recently discovered superconducting ability, and now a new study led by Cornell has changed where scientists thought this ability might originate, ...

Electrocatalysis under the atomic force microscope

A further development in atomic force microscopy now makes it possible to simultaneously image the height profile of nanometer-fine structures as well as the electric current and the frictional force at solid-liquid interfaces. ...

Shear ultrasound shaking found to lower friction between solids

When high-frequency shaking occurs at an interface between two solids, recent experiments have revealed that the frictional forces between the objects can be weakened. Through a simple new experiment detailed in The European ...

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