Tropical Cyclone Eunice still churning in the Southern Indian Ocean

The MODIS instrument that flies aboard NASA's Aqua satellite captured this image of Tropical Cyclone Eunice in the South Indian Ocean, well south of Diego Garcia and the Cocos Islands. Its location is 637 nautical miles south-southwest ...

Cloud control could tame hurricanes, study shows

They are one of the most destructive forces of nature on Earth, but now environmental scientists are working to tame the hurricane. In a paper, published in Atmospheric Science Letters, the authors propose using cloud seeding ...

NASA's IMERG analyzed Tropical Storm Usagi's rainfall

When Tropical Cyclone 33W, also known as Usagi strengthened to hurricane intensity as it approached Vietnam from the South China Sea it dropped a lot of rain. Although the storm weakened to tropical storm intensity when coming ...

Scientists use undersea drones to help predict hurricanes

As Hermine worked its way up the East Coast, scientists deployed several underwater drones they say will help them better understand what sustains and strengthens hurricanes and tropical storms—and ultimately better protect ...

New NASA video gives hurricanes a good 'HIWRAP'

A new animation from NASA shows how a remarkable instrument called the HIWRAP looks into tropical cyclones at wind, rain and ice to analyze storm intensity.

Bringing together storm tracks and clouds

We often talk about future climate change in terms of "global warming." But when it comes to the impacts of global warming, regional changes in winds and precipitation are more relevant. The latter depend on how the circulation ...

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