Israeli army unveils new 'dual-use' tank

The Israeli army on Thursday revealed details of a new tank it was developing, designed more for use in guerrilla warfare conditions.

Swiss, Nissan research car that reads the driver's thoughts

In the future, thinking about turning left may no longer be just a thought. Japanese auto giant Nissan and a Swiss university are developing cars that scan the driver's thoughts and prepares the vehicle for the next move.

Robots learning from experience (w/ Video)

Software that enables robots to move objects about a room, building up ever-more knowledge about their environment, is an important step forward in artificial intelligence.

An intelligent system avoids forgetting things

A team of researchers from the University of Granada (UGR) has created a system with Artificial Intelligence techniques which notifies elderly people or people with special needs of the forgetting of certain everyday tasks. ...

Self-learning neuromorphic chip that composes music

Today, at the imec technology forum (ITF2017), imec demonstrated the world's first self-learning neuromorphic chip. The brain-inspired chip, based on OxRAM technology, has the capability of self-learning and has been demonstrated ...

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